Advance Engineering Inc. Energy Consultants and Owner's Agents
Facilities Managers
Energy conservation technical support is only a phone call away. Call for quick, easy answers to your energy questions. Learn how performance contracting works from an insider. Recognize legitimate projects and realistic energy goals. Too often projected savings never materialize at the meter, which is the only true measure of conservation. Let me teach you energy conservation with live spreadsheets and calculations.
Support Areas
Contract ManagementManage your energy contractor to your benefit. Have professional advice on your side of the table without the huge consulting fees.
Municipal / Public Sector
Identify new projects that will actually create a return on your investment. Find out immediately, while on the phone, answers to your energy questions. Want to know why you did not save energy? Need energy conservation ideas and help, call now.
Energy and Building ModelingDo energy models like DOE2 really work? You will be surprised how and why they are usually slanted against you.
Words You Should Know
ESPC - Energy Services Performance ContractsYou may need help understanding the benefits and pitfalls of energy performance contracting. These contracts often fall short of their goals for predictable reasons. Look carefully at the language of the guarantee. Is measurement and verification just window dressing? Where does the commissioning contribute to the overall benefits?
How it works
Contact me anytime for answers:
cell 401-862-2160 email: Hourly Rates for Energy Consulting, Project Management or Construction Management: Rate $75/hr +plus travel if you require it. Minimum is $75. Free initial consultation. There is no reason not to call, it's free. Live spreadsheets and calculations are provided. I am based in New England but have regularly traveled the entire northeast. Payments by credit card, PO, paypal, or check. |